Terms of use

pinnet.eu intends to provide a helpful and safe environment for all users to express themselves in informative, communicative or creative ways. In order to ensure security on the platform, a few agreements are necessary:

1) Anonymity: You may use pinnet without disclosing any personal information. Nevertheless, all participants are urged not to allow inflammatory or defamatory statements. We as operators will remove any racist, defamatory, violence glorifying or illegal content without prior warning. However, we are dependent on your help or hints. By default we do not perform a check of posted contents.

2) Liability: Content creators guarantee that they will not publish content that violates applicable laws. Posting illegal content may result in criminal prosecution.

3) Inappropriate language: Submitted posts that are abusive or offensive can be filtered automatically. Proposals for such spam filter can be submitted here.

4) Authentication: Extended functionalities may only be available if users responsible for a board register and verify with a valid e-mail address. Registration with a temporary email address is not permitted.

5) Deletion periods: Anonymous boards are automatically deleted after 30 days of inactivity. If there is no activity after creation, the boards will be removed after 7 days. Boards that are assigned to a free user account are removed after 90 days of inactivity. User accounts must be confirmed within 3 days, otherwise the boards switch to an unattended (anonymous) mode with fewer functions. Content in the trash bins will be deleted after 7 days regardless of user accounts. Email addresses for subscriptions to daily summaries must be confirmed within one day, otherwise the registration will be deleted again.

6) Availability: There is no guarantee of a permanent availability of the platform. If operational safety of pinnet.eu is endangered by excessive use, the operator may take measures without prior warning. This also includes a functional restriction or deactivation of the system.

7) Access to contact details: Board owners have the right to see which recipients have subscribed to the daily summary.

8) Other use of contact information: pinnet uses email or contact data to handle system-specific processes (e.g. password resets or to send summaries to subscribed users) or to communicate major changes regarding the system (downtimes or similar). The contact data will not be shared with third parties.

9) Updates to terms of use: These terms of use can be adapted at any time to meet the necessary regulatory requirements. However, it is excluded that unannounced fees are introduced or the data collected from the use is passed on (sold) for the purpose of monetisation.

10) Costs: The use of pinnet.eu is free of charge until further notice. We do not currently plan to display advertising; however, such measure may be taken in the future to cover costs.

Last update: 13 July 2023